Employee Fund Management

A back-office and web-based solution
It’s a back-office and full-featured online investment solution developed for employee provident funds management.
Employee Fund Manager enables many department users to authenticate transactions and connect with all other modules. It offers accounting, portfolio valuation, and the ability to manage and track investments for all sizes of funds. It is designed for infinite fund types and growth and ensures future-proof operations. It is trusted by Fortune 500 companies ensuring reliability and effortless operations.

Feature Highlights

Fund Setup
Provision of Opening Balances
Employee Loan Management
Equity Traders
GL Maintenance
Period End Execution
Profit Allocation
Data Unloaders
Mutual Fund Investment

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Register Number of Employees
0 k+
Estimated Provident Fund Contribution
0 B+
Estimated Pension Contribution
0 B+
Total Estimated Contribution
0 B+


Member Contributions & Withdrawals

This module records contributions made by members into the funds, opening balances, and withdrawals.

Employee Loan Management

This module manages loan applications, disbursements, approvals, repayments, and interest.

Bulk data uploader in seconds

This feature allows users to upload bulk data into the system including member information, and transactions efficiently.

Fund Management

Fund management oversees investments, asset allocation, risk management, performance, and compliance.

Comprehensive Reporting

This module generates reports, on valuations, performance, and transactions.

Integrated Equity Investments

This feature manages equity purchases, tracking within the portfolio and sales seamlessly.

We provide digital solutions for your company, while taking into account the specifics of your industry, allowing you to succeed at what you do without facing any downtimes
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